Has clutter taken over a room or your entire house? Where do you even start? What should you keep? What should be discarded, recycled, or donated? And beyond the disorganization, how can you gain lasting control over your time and space?
For most people, their home is their retreat. It’s where they rest, find comfort, and rejuvenate so they can take on the world again tomorrow.
But with our hectic lives, it’s common that stuff accumulates. Previously tidy rooms can turn into dumping stations for books, keepsakes, and odd-and-ends. Unfortunately, many of us know how it feels when your back bedroom, garage, storage area, basement, or home office is in disarray. It’s burdensome and overwhelming!
“Make space for what matters.”
When your home space is structured for function and ease, then you are all the more capable of handling what life throws at you. With compassion, experience, and thoughtfulness, Mindy can help you organize, purge, carve out space, or get ready for an event (e.g. a party, home sale/move, downsizing, or family member moving in).
Hoarding & Chronic Disorganization
Do you or a loved one have hoarding tendencies?
Mindy is a Certified Professional Organizer in Chronic Disorganization and a Hoarding Specialist trained through the Institute for Challenging Disorganization (ICD) and has experience working with chronic disorganization, extreme clutter, and hoarding behaviors. She has participated in four episodes of Lifetime’s TV show, “Hoarders: Family Secrets.”
For clients struggling with extreme clutter and hoarding behavior, Mindy requires that they work with a mental health professional for emotional and behavioral therapy and support. Often therapy sessions happen prior to any de-cluttering work, so clients are prepared to communicate and deal with any anxiety that may arise as their homes are de-cluttered, organized, and cleaned.
Moreover, Mindy works in collaboration with therapists, counselors, and coaches to find successful and lasting outcomes. Because of her expertise in this area, Mindy can recommend therapists who specialize in the needs of individuals who hoard, as well as the needs of their families.
Please refer to the Hoarding section of our Resources page.
Services for homeowners include:
- Bringing order to your entire home including your home office.
- Sorting through years of accumulated stuff.
- Creating functional work spaces.
- Organizing important information including papers, file systems, and electronic files.
- Establishing space for family activities or personal hobbies.
- Maximizing your storage areas, or creating new ones.
- De-cluttering and letting go of belongings that no longer serve you.
- Reclaiming and improving living spaces and storage areas (closets, pantries, basements).
- Setting up “landing and launch zones,” kitchens, home offices, mud rooms, laundry rooms, children’s rooms, play rooms, garages and more.
- Preparing for a move or unpacking and organizing after one.
“Mindy helped us—individually and as a couple—think outside of the box and help us break-through our reluctance to finally let go of a lot of stuff we no longer needed. She was gentle but firm and thoughtful about our emotions and our ways of thinking. She gave us choices and we never felt coerced or made to feel guilty or wrong.”
““We probably got rid of 5 boxes of stuff each time she worked with us—that’s about 30 boxes! We donated clothing, kitchen stuff, books and odds ‘n ends. We recycled newspapers, magazines, old tax and personal documents and much more. We feel like we’ve shed a ton of weight off our bodies and minds and feel confident we will watch our re-accumulation and disorganization.””
“We had a big job ahead of us with difficult circumstances. We faced 500 bags of clutter and 18,000 dolls. I appreciated you’re amazing attitude, energy, and flexibility to a hectic schedule. You are positive, devoted, and selfless. Thank you for being on the show.”